Programs & Meetings
Guests and prospective members are welcome! |
Meeting Location
Crossroads Art Center 2016 Staples Mill Rd. Richmond, VA 23060 12:30 Light refreshments
12:45 Brief business meeting 1:15 (approx) Program starts 3:00 Program ends; cleanup room |
BE INSPIRED! Whether a professional or emerging artist, we need mentors and guides to help us move further in our art endeavors. This year's programs were selected to help inspire us as artists.
Friday, Sept. 13th
12:30-3:30 PM |
![]() Allen Phibbs, Life Coach: Discover Your Inner Dreams
Allen Phibbs, a Life Coach with the John Maxwell Group, will help us discover our inner dreams towards becoming more creative and overcoming obstacles in our daily lives while being creative. Allen Phibbs is an Executive Director of The John Maxwell Team who is certified to facilitate, speak, train and coach individuals and groups in the areas of leadership development, professional skills and personal growth. Learn more about Allen at
Saturday, Nov. 2nd
12:30-3:30 PM |
![]() Betsy Kellum: Becoming a Master Pastelist/PSA and Master Circle Member/IAPS
MAPS member Betsy Kellum will speak on her journey and the steps she took to become a Master Pastelist with the Pastel Society of America (PSA), and in June 2019, being selected for the Master Circle with the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS). Betsy will also speak about her innovative subject matter ideas. Find out more about Betsy at her website at |
Friday, Jan. 10th
12:30-3:30 PM |
![]() Michael McGurk: Jurying PSA's Enduring Brilliance Annual Exhibition
MAPS Judged Exhibit Awards Recipients Review MAPS member Michael McGurk, a renowned Master Pastelist with the Pastel Society of America, was one of the jurists for this year's PSA exhibit, Enduring Brilliance. Michael with speak about his experience as a jurist and his journey as a pastel artist. Michael will also talk about the importance of composition. Learn more about Michael at his website Also, our member artists who receive awards in our MAPS 3rd Annual Judged Exhibit at the Cultural Arts Center of Glen Allen will display and talk about their award-winning paintings. Award recipients will be announced by our judge, Lyn Asselta, at the November 1st awards reception at the Cultural Arts Center. |
Saturday, Feb. 15th
10:00 AM-3:00 PM |
Members' Pastel Paint-In
Members will paint together at Crossroads Art Center, Classroom One, 2016 Staples Mill Rd., Richmond, VA, from 10-3 pm. Come for the whole day or just part of the day and enjoy a fun, collegial painting experience with your fellow MAPS pastelists! Emily Christoff will be our facilitator, present from 10-3, to help with any issues with or questions about your paintings. Bring your table or standing easel, your pastels and other pastel supplies; MAPS will supply drop clothes. Lunch is on your own - bring a brown bag lunch or pick up lunch from one of the many food establishments nearby. Click here to signup! |
Saturday, March 14th
Due to concerns related to the coronavirus. |
![]() Marjorie Perrin: Balancing Neutrals with Color in Landscapes
Marjorie Perrin, artist and instructor, will demonstrate the importance of balancing neutrals with color in landscapes to achieve depth and atmosphere. Marjorie teaches drawing, painting, charcoal and pastels at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA) Studio School. Learn more about Marjorie at her website at |
Friday, May 8th
Due to concerns related to the coronavirus. |
Art Supply Swap & Art Inspiration Discussion
Members will have a chance to swap and sell materials they no longer need or use and we will discuss our art inspirations with the group. SWAP AND SELL: We will have tables set up and have some tags and pens available for members to bring items that they wish to give away, sell or swap with other members. This is your chance to go through your studio cabinets and draws and make room for NEW art stuff!! Examples include frames, pastel papers and sets that you don't like or use, studio furniture (portable), etc. |