The MidAtlantic Pastel Society (MAPS) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and greater understanding of pastels as a fine art medium. Open to adults from beginning student to professional, the society provides its members with fellowship, support and growth through bimonthly programs; by offering workshops, critiques and other educational training; and with opportunities to exhibit.
Founded in mid-2015, MAPS has rapidly grown to over 100 members across multiple states in the mid-atlantic region, and our membership includes award-winning and nationally recognized pastel artists.
MAPS is a member of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS), a non-profit organization "uniting in the common cause to demonstrate the validity and quality of pastel fine art." IAPS has member pastel societies worldwide, including the United States, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom, Australia and China. Find out more about IAPS at
Please visit our Facebook page for news about members and the society, and click on "Like" to follow us.
Membership in MAPS We welcome adults interested in the soft pastel medium to join MAPS. Membership application information is on our Membership page.
Meetings We hold regularly scheduled member meetings five times a year and may schedule additional informal gatherings in other months. In each meeting, there is a brief business meeting followed by a pastel-related program. Guests are generally welcome. Visit our Programs page for details on meeting times and places.
Members enjoyed a round robin critique session at our first meeting
Executive Board 2024-26 Officers and Committee Chairs
President V.P & Program Chair Treasurer Secretary Membership Chair Exhibit Chair Workshop Chair Technology Chair Newsletter Chair
Joan Dreicer Judy Leasure Dornan Trainer Alison Carter Trish Volp Terry Atkinson (Interim) Joan Dreicer Sheila Chandler Patti Jeffries