Renew Your MAPS Membership
MAPS Volunteer Opportunities
In order to flourish and grow, MAPS needs our members to volunteer to help with committee work and leadership. Below are brief descriptions of our committees; you will be asked on the renewal form to indicate which ones you would like to help with. Time commitments needed will vary for each committee and its needs. You will be contacted by committee chair(s) regarding your offer to help.
MAPS Volunteer Opportunities
In order to flourish and grow, MAPS needs our members to volunteer to help with committee work and leadership. Below are brief descriptions of our committees; you will be asked on the renewal form to indicate which ones you would like to help with. Time commitments needed will vary for each committee and its needs. You will be contacted by committee chair(s) regarding your offer to help.
Membership: Newsletter: Programs: Technology: Workshops: Treasuer (Officer): Secretary (Officer): VP/Programs (Officer): President (Officer): |
Find exhibit venues and manage gallery relationships; manage exhibit registration process and exhibit activities, to include prospectus, inventory, receptions and publicity.
Manage new membership process and activities; maintain membership roster for the organization. Publish bi-monthly newsletter; write or source articles, announcements and features. Plan and execute programs for member meetings, to include finding and managing arrangements with speakers and for refreshments as appropriate. Find, recommend, manage and use technology tools needed for communications, website, social media and documentation. Plan and execute workshops, to include finding instructors and locations; managing related activities to include registration process; overseeing instructor's needs (food, lodging & transportation); and providing workshop needs (e.g. tools, equipment, lighting, etc.). The Treasurer’s duties and responsibilities include: A. Preparing and monitoring an annual Society budget, to be approved by the Board. B. Receiving all monies of the Society, including dues and fees, and depositing same in a bank approved by the Executive Board, and paying all bills, with authority to sign checks. C. Ensuring members are notified of dues that are payable or delinquent as specified in Article Eight, Section 1 of the Bylaws. D. Keeping the Society’s financial records and submitting a financial report at all regular Executive Board and membership meetings, and presenting an annual financial report for the prior year at the first membership meeting of each fiscal year. E. Maintaining up-to-date information for state and federal government and banking documents and filing or making necessary reports. The Secretary’s duties and responsibilities include keeping records of all Board and membership meetings; maintaining custody of official Society records, except those designated to be kept by other Officers or members, with records to be open to inspection by any member at any time in the presence of the Secretary. The Vice President shall be Chair of the Program Committee, and in the absence of the President shall perform the duties of that office. The Vice President shall act as Parliamentarian, advising the President on parliamentary procedure as needed. In case of vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall accede to the office and serve the remainder of the term. The President presides at meetings, appoints all committee chairs and chapter leaders, may call special meetings of the Executive Board, shall have the authority to sign checks, has general supervision of all Society affairs, acts as liaison with the International Association of Pastel Societies and is an ex-officio member of all committees. |