Exhibit Resources
To help our members, MAPS has assembled some helpful links with instructions on resizing your painting's JPG image to meet sizing criteria for our exhibits or for other exhibitions you may want to enter. These are links to other organizations' websites, so although we hope they are helpful, MAPS cannot take responsibility for the content at these links.
IAPS - Preparing Your Photos for Submission to an IAPS Exhibition: http://www.iapspastel.org/ed_resources.php#
Please note their instructions are specific to IAPS and some may not be applicable to other exhibits. For instance, the links reference ShowSubmit, but MAPS does not use that exhibit service. Also, once on the IAPS page, click on "Pastel Resources" button to get to their resizing instruction links.
Here's The Thing - Change photo size on an iPad: https://heresthethingblog.com/2015/04/14/ipad-tip-change-size-photo-emailing/
Business Insider - Resize an image on Windows 10 computer: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-resize-an-image-on-windows